No two people’s credit reports are the same! Therefore, no pre-set computer program is going to be as effective as real, skilled, trained credit repair specialists. At Credit Repair Army we have certified FICO professionals! Our credit repair company has real people working hard for our clients. Of course we use technology, but it is the human interaction with the technology that makes us better. We do not scan your credit report and have an automated system produce duplicate dispute letters to mail to the credit agencies. We have certified FICO professionals that analyze your credit reports, and then determine the best possible course of action for maximum results. Then we draft unique dispute letters to the credit reporting agencies, and / or to the creditors, collections agencies, and courthouses, depending on your unique and individual credit report. When you call our credit repair company you will NOT talk to a call center full of unskilled telemarketers that read some pre-written script of answers to the “most commonly asked questions”.
Credit Repair Army is a reputable credit repair company that can legally and ethically remove negative items from your credit report, and thereby improve your credit score. Information that is contained in your credit file must be reported according to a law called the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). If the information isn’t 100% accurate or 100% verifiable then it must be corrected or removed. With less negative information on your credit profile, the result is most often a nice increase in your credit score.
We use the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) which is a federal law designed to protect you from being “slandered” by creditors, collectors, and credit reporting agencies themselves from having outdated, erroneous, misleading, or inaccurate information on your credit report. According to the law, a disputed credit account must be 100% accurate and 100% verifiable for it to remain on your credit report.
All inaccurate, incomplete, outdated or unverifiable accounts must be removed or corrected. We have removed bankruptcies, foreclosures, repossessions, late payments, charge offs, collection accounts, judgments, tax liens, you name it! Call us and find out why people give us such high marks – when you simply need to get it done – we are the BEST credit repair company for the job!